

罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482


罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482



理由是: To ensure that all hiring 和/or commitment of salary 和 benefits are supported by an appropriate resource allocation before any hiring offers or personnel commitments are made.





一般的基金:大学会计系统中的资金(以1xxxx开头), that maintain those transactions related to the academic 和 instructional programs of the University 和 their administration. 


Non-General基金:包括指定基金, 辅助基金, 消耗性限制资金, 贷款基金, 捐赠基金, 工厂资金, 退休及保险基金, 和机构基金. 


临时/一次性资金: A non-recurring set of funds allocated to a department to cover a special project or hiring of temporary 工作人员.



永久再分配池: Individual funds assigned to each Division to account for any base funding differences from permanent hiring or elimination of positions in their respective areas.


临时重分配池: Individual funds assigned to each Division to account for the accumulation 和 usage of one-time salary savings from position vacancies in their respective areas.


工作人员:用于本文件的目的, “工作人员”一词包括下列雇员类别:行政专业人员, 单独的合同, 神职人员的技术, 警察, 警员, 调度员和服务维修技工.


365英国上市官网(大学)有一个职位控制流程,以确保所有新员工所需的资金, 更换, 重新分类, 升级, 晋升及其他与预算有关的人事事宜, 适当的分配, 并附属于这个位置.


以下参数适用于由普通基金资助的头寸. 由医学院资助的职位, 奖助金, 辅助基金和其他非普通基金将不受下列管制, 但是,这些职位的经费必须在适用预算的限制范围内.


新的学术课程是这一政策的例外. Base 预算 for these programs are managed through the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs New Program Pool 和 allocated annually on a one-time basis according to the program proformas submitted the prior year.


管理位置控制过程所需的批准在 人事行动矩阵.

适用范围及适用性: 所有资助永久职位的大学部门必须遵守这一政策.




教师职位由执行副校长和教务长批准设立. Identification of either Base Funding or annual One-Time Funding resources (allowable for positions in a New Academic Program) must accompany the establishment of a new position.


当教师职位空缺时, the salary budget for that position will be transferred to the Academic Affairs 教师 Reallocation Pool on a one-time basis. 这些节省下来的费用可以由教务长用来满足其他与学术事务有关的需要. 当一个现有的教师职位被雇用替代或一个新的教师职位被批准时, the funds necessary to support that position may be transferred from the Academic Affairs 教师 Reallocation Pool.


Any salary savings from faculty positions are managed by the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs (or designee). 这些资金不得用于或转移到行政职位. 相反, 分配给行政职位的经费不得用于或转移给教师职位. 这一限制的例外情况只能由主席或主席指定的人提出.


Unused budgeted salaries for faculty on unpaid or partially paid sabbatical or phased retirement will move to the 教师 Reallocation Pool. Departments are responsible for covering the cost of part time faculty needed as a temporary replacement for sabbaticals.




It is the Office of 预算及财务规划’s (预算 Office) responsibility to manage the 工作人员 budgets for all salary 和 Fringe Benefit accounts. 部门负责任何非中央资助的基本预算调整.




管理岗位控制流程, 总裁和每个事业部副总裁将获得两笔事业部再分配池资金, 临时池和永久池.


居住在普通基金的工作人员职位必须有与该职位薪酬挂钩的基本经费.  Any base savings in Salary 和 Fringe Benefits resulting after a position is filled or modified (hiring difference) will be transferred to the appropriate Division Vice President's 永久再分配池.  附带福利基金的使用仅限于附带福利. 

技工和警察职位除外, 当一个职位暂时空缺时, 薪金节余将一次性转入该司的临时汇总库. Adequate One-Time Funding will be returned to the position once it is filled to cover current fiscal year compensation expenses.



确保招聘过程中的平等和预算的合理分配, 空缺职位将根据当前的招聘惯例提出 位置控制实务. 

人力资源及就业服务, 谁是唯一被授权提供工作的人, will not make offers to c和idates that exceed the approved budget on the requisition without first obtaining approval from both the 预算 Office 和 HR Compensation.  有关要约的决定将根据《 位置控制实务工资指导


新的工作人员职位可向司副总裁提出申请, 薪酬和预算办公室的批准 人事行动矩阵. A new position number will be created once the required approvals are received 和 base funding is identified by the requesting department.  



部门可要求修改员工职位,但须经适当批准 人事行动矩阵 以及所需资金的确定,如 位置控制实务.  Departments need to consult with HR to update position descriptions 和 ensure proper b和ing of any proposed position modifications.  Proposed changes to two or more positions in an area constitutes a reorganization 和 required a documented reorganization plan along with proper approval as noted on the 人事行动矩阵.  


节省空缺行政专业人员的薪金, 单独的合同, 或文书技术职位可以被部门用来支付招聘费用, 临时重置费用和遣散费, 如当前所述 位置控制实务.  这些补偿必须与空缺职位和空缺期间直接有关.  所有要求使用薪金储蓄的请求都需要得到预算办公室的批准.  Funds remaining in the 临时重分配池 after the above expenses are covered will revert to the University at year end for reallocation to other uses.  



员工请带薪病假超过两周(10个工作日), out of class pay (per 工资指导) or replacement costs related to the temporary vacancy will be covered beginning week two of the absence from central sources.  The department is responsible for expense incurred prior to the second week of the temporary vacancy or any amount above the allowed limitations as noted in the current 位置控制实务工资指导



Merit 和 contractual increases for all active employees are centrally funded following Board of Trustees (BOT) approval 和 will follow the practices noted in Compensation's 工资指导.  如果一个职位没有资格获得绩效加薪, 或者合同增加, 预算不会增加.  各司经费池和空缺职位的增加将按当前数额提供经费 位置控制实务.


Salary increases that are not part of merit 和 contractual increases fall under the 位置修改 section noted above.  



警察, 调度, 技术行业:当警察, 派遣工或技工职位年内空缺, that position’s budget will remain with the department to cover any out-of-class pay or overtime necessary to cover the vacancy.


临时职位:临时员工从工资预算中支付,而不是从工资预算中支付. 当一个临时雇员被雇用时, the department is expected to have sufficient funds in the wage 和 Fringe budget to cover the projected cost of the casual employee for the current fiscal year. 


文员职位经费:作为一般规则, CT positions covered by the University’s collective bargaining agreement are funded at the current contract st和ard rate, 称为C阶跃或C速率, 就每个职系而言, C1到C10. 看到 位置控制实务,以了解祖父职位的例外情况.



由一次性基金提供资金的职位将在每个财政年度结束时(或在资金耗尽时)失效, whichever comes first) unless One-Time Funds or Permanent Funds are identified to support that position in the upcoming fiscal year. 确定资金是部门的责任. 

Employees hired with One-Time Funds should be informed at the time of hire that if no additional source of funding is identified to continue funding their position, 他们的雇佣将在资助期内的最后一天终止.  一次性资助的职位不会从普通基金中支付. 




更多的资源可以在 预算办公室网页,包括 人事行动矩阵 和 位置控制实务.

